What is anticodon?
What is meant by transcription?
Describe the next phase of figure ' B \mathrm{B} B '
Analyze the role of figure ' A A A ' in cell division.
What is plasmid?
Why GM crops are advanced than conventional crops.
Describe the steps of figure-' X \mathrm{X} X ' production.
Write down the role of technology that is used in figure' Y \mathrm{Y} Y ' in agriculture.
What is lodicule?
What do you mean by floral formula?
Explain the reason of special structure of root which is the part of figure-' M \mathrm{M} M '
Analyze with comparison, the characteristics of figurc-' N N N ' and figure-'O' plant families.
4. Plants can release water as vapour by pores named 'A' and by 'B' tissue bundles transports raw materials and prepared food.
What is hydathode?
What is meant by epidermal tissue system?
Show the types of ' B B B ' tissue bundles with figure.
Analyze the role of ' A \mathrm{A} A ' in plant body.
Prokaryotic causes cholera in human.
Acellular, infects bacteria.
What is signet ring?
Why two hosts are necessary for the life cycle of malarial parasite.
Show with figure the steps of multiplication of microorganism ' L L L '.
Write the roles of microorganism ' K \mathrm{K} K ' in the industrial sector.