ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র-মাইলস্টোন কলেজ-২০২৩

প্রশ্ন ১২·সময় ৩ ঘণ্টা

1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Many events of great importance (a) ___ (take) place during the last century. Significant advances (b) ___ (make) in the field of science and technology. Many European colonies (c) ___ (get) independence. The movement for democracy (d) ___ (become) prominent in many parts of the world. Two World Wars (e) ___ (break) out in this century. It also (f) ___ (witness) the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (g) ___ (destroy) as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation (h) ___ (be) momentous event. After a bloody war of nine months, Bangladesh (i) ___ (bear). Now, we (j) ___ (hold) out heads high in the community of nations. It (k) ___ (become) a matter of great pride that we (l) ___ (get) an Independent state and a national flag. Therefore, it is our sacred duty (m) ___ (uphold) the dignity of our country (n) ___ (hold) the flag high.

মাইলস্টোন কলেজ-২০২৩
ব্যাখ্যা আনলক করতে চর্চা প্রিমিয়াম এ আপগ্রেড করো

2. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.

(a) Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is high time ___

(b) A student has to be punctual. He has to study regularly lest he ___

(c) Hardly had he seen his friend ___

(d) There goes a proverb that ___ So, you have to make friendship with a gentleman.

(e) Our country is beset with many problems. We all should come forward with a view to ___

(f) I have lost my cell phone. Would you mind ___ we so that I can talk to my mother.

(g) Toma has got GPA 4.50 . If ___ moree seriously, she woulld have got GPA 5 in the exam.

(h) He came to my room while ___ He didn't wake me up.

(i) Motin Mia is a quack. He behaves as if ___

(j) Ten years have passed since ___ I still miss him very much

মাইলস্টোন কলেজ-২০২৩
ব্যাখ্যা আনলক করতে চর্চা প্রিমিয়াম এ আপগ্রেড করো

3. Suppose, you want to apply for the post of the sales manager of RFL Company. Now, write a letter to the director requesting to get further information about working hours, leave facilities, house rent, post retirement facilities, etc.

মাইলস্টোন কলেজ-২০২৩
ব্যাখ্যা আনলক করতে চর্চা প্রিমিয়াম এ আপগ্রেড করো

4. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage.

Rangpur Town Hall is a place of cultural activities. (a) ___ in 1971, it became a torture cell used by the Pakistani army. (b) ___ the army brought here innocent Bangalees. After that they started to bring Bangalee women here. Among them Mansura Begum was one who was the wife of a freedom fighter. (c) ___ she was young and beautiful, she drew the attention of local collaborators. (d) ___ they informed the Pakistani army (e) ___ the Pakistani army abducted Mansura. On the day of Occurrence, Pakistani soldiers surrounded her house. (f) ___ they searched her''husband who joined the Mukti Bahini. (g) ___ they found her father-in-law, they started to beat him mercilessly. The old man got unconscious (h) ___ the barbarous soldiers did not stop beating him. Mansua rushed to her father-in-law, grabbed his bleeding body and begged the army personnels not to kill him (i) ___ they did not listen to her. They picked up the old man on the military truck. (j) ___ they pulled and dragged Mansura on to the truck. (k) ___ poople came to know (l) ___ truck. she had died because of dragging on to the truck. (m) ___ we come to know how brutally the Pakistan army tortured and killed us. (n) ___ they continued their barbarous activities for nine months.

মাইলস্টোন কলেজ-২০২৩
ব্যাখ্যা আনলক করতে চর্চা প্রিমিয়াম এ আপগ্রেড করো

5. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches.

"How dare you wake me up?" the lion roared, "I will kill you for that." "Please, please, let me go," the mouse cried, "I didn't mean to wake you up. One day, I will help you." Bursting out in laughter, the lion said, "How will you help me? Your are too little to help me:"

মাইলস্টোন কলেজ-২০২৩
ব্যাখ্যা আনলক করতে চর্চা প্রিমিয়াম এ আপগ্রেড করো

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