What is called nitrogen fixation?
Standard hydrogen electrode is a primary reference electrode-Explain it.
Explain the rule which support the stem reaction.
Through both A \mathrm{A} A and B \mathrm{B} B exhibits stereo isomerism but there are difference in that - Evaluate it.
2. Molar volumes of two elemental gas A and B are as below:
Molar mass
Molar volume
22.4 L
22.2 L
What is Nano-particle?
Why NaOH \mathrm{NaOH} NaOH cannot be called primary standard substance?
Determine the RMS velocity of A at STP.
Analyze the reason behind the difference in molar volume of A A A and B B B.
3. The reaction given below is called Williamson's reaction.
What is clinker?
Why is the pressure of a gas increased with increase the temperature?
How do you differentiate between A and C? Explain with equations.
Explain the mechanism of the preparation of D.
What is semi-molar solution?
Write down the difference between starch and cellulose.
Determine the concentration of A A A solution of the stem in PPM unit.
Calculate the pH \mathrm{pH} pH of A \mathrm{A} A and B \mathrm{B} B mixture solution of the stem.
What is free-radical?
What is the importance of salt-bridge in electrolytic cell?
Balancing the reaction of A \mathrm{A} A and reducing agent of the stem in ion-electron method.
To oxidize the reducing agent how much volume are needed of KMnO4 \mathrm{KMnO}_{4} KMnO4 ? Mathematically explain it.