Islami Bank Ltd (Probationary Officer 31-03-2017)

প্রশ্ন ৮০·সময় ১ ঘণ্টা ২০ মিনিট

1. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of tea Worth Tk. 60 per kg and Tk. 65 per kg so that by selling the mixture at Tk. 68.20 per kg he may gain 10%?

Islami Bank : Probationary Officer

2. We were ——— by heavy traffic on way to the airport .

Islami Bank : Probationary Officer

3. If 150 is increased by 60% and then decreased by x percent the result is 192. What is x ?

Islami Bank : Probationary Officer

4. In a division sum , the remainder is zero . A student mistook the divisor by 12 instead of 21 and obtained 35 as quotient.

What is the correct quotient ?

Islami Bank : Probationary Officer

5. A container holds 4 quarts of alcohol and 4 quarts of water. How many quarts of water must be added to the container to create a mix tore that is 3 parts alcohol to 5 parts water by volume ?

Islami Bank : Probationary Officer

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