Janata Bank Ltd (Executive Officer 26-06-2015)

প্রশ্ন ৮০·সময় ১ ঘণ্টা ২০ মিনিট
1. ‘সকল ছাত্ররাই যথাসময়ে উপস্থিত হয়েছে’ । বাক্যটিতে কি ধরণের ভুল আছে ?
Janata Bank Ltd : Executive Officer
2. ’বগুড়ার চিনিপাতা দই সুস্বাদু।’ - বাক্যটির ‘চিনিপাতা’ কোন কারক ?
Janata Bank Ltd : Executive Officer

3. Out of 7500 candidates 75% were offered to study in Arts and 45% in Business. How many were offered both ?

Janata Bank Ltd : Executive Officer

4. If a and b are positive real numbers , then (a°3b°)5=?(a°-3b°)^5=?

Janata Bank Ltd : Executive Officer

5. Mehgna Company's working capital was Tk. 40,000 and total current liabilities were 1/4 of that amount. The current ratio was :

Janata Bank Ltd : Executive Officer

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