Mutual Trust Bank ltd (Management Trainee Officer 07-04-2013)

প্রশ্ন ৬০·সময় ১ ঘণ্টা

1. How many branches does Mutual Trust Bank have?

Mutual Trust Bank ltd : Management Trainee Officer

2. If 'ABCD' stands for " WXYA' then 'BAD' stands for-

Mutual Trust Bank ltd : Management Trainee Officer

3. who is the president of the National Assembly of Bangladesh?

Mutual Trust Bank ltd : Management Trainee Officer

4. The cost of a camera at 20% discount is dolor 100. Find its actual price.

Mutual Trust Bank ltd : Management Trainee Officer
5. In a race , Kaim is first and Rahman is fifth while Manoj is between them . Joesph is doing better than Kamal. and Kamal is exactly behind Manoj who is in the second position?
Mutual Trust Bank ltd : Management Trainee Officer

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