Petroleum Exploration Co (Officer 17-04-2009)

প্রশ্ন ৪০·সময় ৪০ মিনিট

1. Mr. Jaman is insured completely for Tk. 1,50,000 against damages to his machinery. For any damage over Tk. 1,50,000 the insurance company will pay Tk. 1,50,000 plus only 15% of the additional damage. For a recent accident, Mr. Jaman was paid Tk. 1,56,000 by the insurance company. What was the total amount of the damage estimated?

Petroleum Exploration Co : Officer
2. Two cyclists start biking from a trail's start 3 hours apart . The second cyclist travels at 10 miles per hours and starts 3 hours after the first cyclist who is traveling at 6 miles per hour. How much time will pass before the second cyclist catches up with the first from the time the second cyclist started biking?
Petroleum Exploration Co : Officer

3. Fill in the blanks : ------ is a vice.

Petroleum Exploration Co : Officer
4. Fill in the blanks : With -----additional effort, you can make a difference.
Petroleum Exploration Co : Officer

5. Employees of a discount appliance store receive an additional 20% off of the lowest price on an item. If an employee purchases a dishwasher during a 15% off sale, how much will he pay if the dishwasher originally cost $450?

Petroleum Exploration Co : Officer

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