Probashi Kallyan Bank (General Officer 12-11-2021)

প্রশ্ন ১০০·সময় ১ ঘণ্টা ৪০ মিনিট
1. The next term of the series 9+36+81+144+ ------is
Probashi Kallyan Bank : General Officer

2. Translate onto English: কারুশিল্পে আমাদের সাংস্কৃতিকরুচি প্রতিফলন হয়-

Probashi Kallyan Bank : General Officer
3. ‘যাচঞা’ এর ধাতু অংশ হলো-
Probashi Kallyan Bank : General Officer

4. Issued shares of listed companies are deposited in-

Probashi Kallyan Bank : General Officer

5. Count the number of adverb : I was just wondering if you could cook it perfectly and make the quite delicious as always.

Probashi Kallyan Bank : General Officer

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