Trust Bank Ltd (Assistant Officer 14-01-2011)

প্রশ্ন ৭৫·সময় ১ ঘণ্টা ১৫ মিনিট

1. In Dhanmondi Lake the current flows at 3 kilometers per hour. The boatmen takes twice as long to travel upstream between two points as it does to travel downstream between the same two points. In still water what is the speed of the boat?

Trust Bank Ltd : Assistant Officer
2. Who is the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Economics?
Trust Bank Ltd : Assistant Officer

3. which of the following can be used as a search engine to find some data using the internet?

Trust Bank Ltd : Assistant Officer

4. Fahim was looking forward ______ the authority for the confirmation of his status.

Trust Bank Ltd : Assistant Officer

5. what is the number of bones in a human body?

Trust Bank Ltd : Assistant Officer

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